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Arab-jewish Romance Threatens Security of Aden Jewish Community

September 20, 1951
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The romance of a Jewish girl and a Moslem youth today threatened the security of the Jewish community of the British crown colony of Aden.

The story came to light today when the World Jewish Congress received cables from the Jewish community council of Aden appealing for help. According to these cables, Arenka Mansour, young Aden Jewess, ran away from home last month and was converted to Islam. Her family appealed to the courts and the Aden Supreme Court ruled the girl was to be returned to her mother.

Because of threats of violence and bloodshed by Moslems, this order was not obeyed. At the court’s insistence, the girl was brought home, but refused to stay. She was taken to the home of a Dr. Cochrane. On September 17, according to the cables, she said she wanted to return home. Mrs. Cochrane told Salim Banin, chairman of the Jewish council, that she would bring the girl home. Arab demonstrations were held throughout the day. In the evening, Mrs. Cochrane reported that the girl had “run away.” Subsequently, a Moslem named Hak applied for the court’s permission to marry Miss Mansour and hearing were scheduled.

The council urged the World Jewish Congress to take action to “redeem the captive, vindicate justice and assure the community’s security.”

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