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U.S. Considers Israel’s Anxieties Exaggerated; Informs Britain

February 3, 1955
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A State Department view that Israel’s anxieties are exaggerated, and that no great Western gesture on behalf of Israel security at this time is indicated, has been conveyed to Evelyn Shuckburgh, British Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs now in charge of Middle Eastern matters, according to informed sources.

Mr. Shuckburgh is holding a series of talks here in an effort to review and reconcile aspects of British and American policy in the Middle East. The talks, however, are on the level of information exchange rather than policy-making.

Israel has sought Western security commitments because of its exclusion from the defense organization emerging in the Middle East. Arab hostility is seen by Israel as growing in intensity rather than abating. But Mr. Shuckburgh was told here, according to reliable informants, that America feels that the granting at this time of the measures asked by Israel might jeopardize the “progress” made with Iraq.

The greatest emphasis was placed by the State Department in its talks with Mr. Shuckburgh on the Iraqi-Turkish pact. It was depicted to him as the most hopeful development in the Middle East and one which must be nurtured and encouraged for the good of all concerned, including Israel.

Mr. Shuckburgh and George V. Allen, American Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, discussed the Israel position as put forth here and in London. It was impossible to learn what views were contributed by Mr. Shuckburgh, but well informed sources said the American opinion was that Israel Ambassador Abba Eban is trying to paint a picture here based on emotion rather than on fact.

A long-range hope was voiced at the meetings here that Egypt might eventually ### her differences with Turkey and join in the pattern sought by the State ###. The incentive of free military assistance is being offered. Steps to ### Israel at this juncture, however, were characterized by the State Department ###### dangerous to Near Eastern security in that Egypt, and other ###### states would be further antagonized.

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