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Jewish Leader Honored in Denver for Aiding Inter Faith Understanding


Community leaders of three faiths were honored here at a banquet of the Colorado region of the National Conference of Christians and Jews for the principles of brotherhood which they demonstrated over the years. More than 600 persons gathered at the dinner to pay tribute to Adolph Kiesle, a Jew; the late Rt. Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin, a Catholic; and Frederic A. Adams, a Protestant.

Mr. Kiesler was lauded at the banquet for his national and international reputation for brotherhood and philanthropy in messages from the former Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower. In accepting the citation, Mr. Kiesler, who emigrated to the United States from Rumania many years ago, said that the bringing about of good will among Catholics, Protestants and Jews, had been “one of my dreams.”

He recalled an audience with Pope Pius XII nine years ago when he asked the Pope if the description “perfidious Jew” could be removed from the Catholic Easter Service. He noted that Pope Pius had later issued an encyclical eliminating the phrase and that Pope John XXIII has gone even further in eliminating other language which could give rise to anti-Semitism.

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