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Dinitz Optimistic About Israel’s Future

January 27, 1975
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Predicting that our great-great grandchildren will live to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the State of Israel in the year 2478, Simcha Dinitz, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, was optimistic about the political future of Israel when he said that “there is no reason for despair, no reason for agony, no reason to walk with our heads down as though we were facing imminent political catastrophe.”

Dinitz, speaking at the 53rd annual conference of the American ORT Federation. admitted that “we are facing difficult times, but to use Dr, Martin King’s classic phrase, ‘we will overcome’ our current problems. There will always be a State of Israel.” he declared, ” and never again will Jews be led to slaughter as was the case during the Nazi Holocaust.”

The doors of Israel will always be open to the Jews of the world, Dinitz continued, “And it is the responsibility of the Jews of the world to provide the sustenance to make it possible to keep these doors open.”

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