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Vance Denies Dayan’s Claim

August 9, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Secretary of State Cyrus Vance denied today a claim by Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan that there has been a “turn” in United States policy toward Israel.

Specifically stating he had read Dayan’s interview published in Yediot Achronot yesterday, Vance declared: “I want to state categorically that there has been no change in our policy toward Israel. Our long-standing support for the security and well-being of Israel is firm and unshakeable. It remains our policy to work towards a comprehensive peace settlement which is based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.”

State Department spokesman Tom Reston, who read Vance’s statement to reporters, said it clearly sets forth the Carter Administration’s opinion and policy. He said he did not know whether any U.S. official in Israel had been in to see Dayan about his interview remarks.

Vance’ repeated his statement later today after a luncheon meeting he attended at the White House with President Carter, Israeli Ambassador Ephraim Evron and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s National Security Advisor.

Vance said there had been “full and long discussions on a number of issues” at the hour and a half meeting: He said the meeting was “useful, helpful and constructive.” He said Evron would now be reporting back to the Israeli government.

While Vance did not go into details of the subjects discussed at the White House luncheon, it was believed that the broad spectrum of Israeli-American relations was gone over, including the tough resolution adopted by the Israeli Cabinet Sunday rejecting any negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization and warning against any changes of UN Security Council Resolution 242 to meet Arab demands on Palestinian rights. Also believed on the agenda was the Israeli rejection of the U.S. -Soviet proposal for having the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO) police the Israeli pullout in the Sinai.

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