No One Above The Law


Guilty with former Israeli President Katsav are the many journalists who knew of his 20 years of sexual abuse and harassment, yet did not inform the authorities or the public (“After Katsav,” Jan. 7).
His life has been one of lies and deceit and he has brought shame and disgrace not only upon himself and his wife Gila, but upon the whole nation. What other country has sentenced a former president to prison for sex crimes?
No man or woman in Israel is above the law. To our pride as a nation, the three judges who rendered the verdict were two women and the senior judge, George Kara, is a Christian Arab from a notable Jaffa family. Where in our region of the world could women sit on the bench? Where in our part of the world could a member of a minority become the senior sitting judge? We are proud of our democracy and of our legal system.
