Doesn’t Fit The Mold


Regarding “Iran Deal Driving Jews Farther Apart,” Between The Lines, Aug. 14), I am an academic, an atheist, an independent (neither Democrat nor Republican
although I have been both in the past) and a supporter of Israel.

currently live in the D.C. region but came here over a decade ago from the New
York City region. I do not fit into any mold that Gary Rosenblatt reported on
but I suspect there are others like me. I am very concerned about the
nuclear agreement with Iran, especially the non-nuclear aspects — the lifting of all sanctions after six months rather than a phased-in
approach over years, and the lifting of the general arms embargo in about eight
years, no matter Iran’s activities in the region.

I have written to my
representatives in Congress not to support it. I do not believe that there is no
other alternative — hardly a strong intellectual argument to make so Congress
will support a flawed deal. I owe it to my grandchildren to take this stand.

