Sorry About Hospital Decision


I was shocked and disappointed that Long Island Jewish Hospital is removing
the word “Jewish” from its name. (“Jewish Hospitals Are Becoming Extinct,” Opinion, Oct. 9).

I am sure that many of the original
founders and philanthropists feel the same way. Some of the same reasons for
founding Jewish hospitals still exist today. Orthodox Jews make up the
fastest growing segment of Judaism. Intermarriage and assimilation are causing a
decrease in the rest of the Jewish population. Anti-Semitism is not
disappearing. It is on the rise in the U.S. as well as throughout the world. 
There are more hate crimes against Jews than any other group in the U.S.
Otherwise, why would they have to remove the word “Jewish” from the
hospital’s name? Many Jews are still proud of our Jewishness and the
contributions we have made to our country and are happy to have mezuzahs on
our hospital doors.

