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100 Hunger Striking Arabs Freed; Haifa Strike Broken

May 19, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

About a hundred of the 200 Arab prisoners for whose release Arabs have staged a general strike in Haifa, Acre and surrounding villages were freed from Acre prison today.

The release followed intervention with High Commissioner Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope by the Arab Supreme Committee. Arab leaders continued to press for release of the remaining convicts. All were arrested during recent disorders.

In Haifa, where the general strike, coinciding with inactivity of Jews because of the Shevuoth holiday, had virtually paralyzed the city, the strike began to crumble today. Arab youths seeking to compel shopkeepers to continue the strike were frustrated by other Arabs.

Meanwhile, it was learned that the Government has decided to grant £250 (about $1,250) to the family of each person killed during last year’s disturbances, except those slain in engagements with Government forces. Decision was postponed on compensation for property destroyed.

About 100 Jewish families and 50 Arab families are included in the Government list of those which will receive the grants.

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