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American Council for Judaism Conference Adopts $500,000 Budget

March 18, 1958
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The American Council for Judaism concluded its four-day annual conference here last night with the adoption of a $500,000 budget and passage of a number of anti-Zionist resolutions.

Other resolutions acknowledged that “the State of Israel has provided refuge for many Jewish victims of conflict and disaster” and voiced the hope that the citizens of Israel “will develop a stable, peaceful and prosperous society.” At the same time, the AJC called upon Americans of all faiths “to reject the Zionist-fostered concept that the State of Israel is in any sense a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy or the real fancied ‘homeland’ of American Jews.”

One of the resolutions adopted at the closing session termed the Arab refusal to recognize “the political facts of a State of Israel” as an obstacle to peace in the Middle East. It also warned against “expansionist Zionism.” The conference called on the United States Government “to take every action possible and necessary to correct both the Zionist-Israeli and the Saudi Arab (or any other Arab) imputation that Americans of Jewish faith have any national rights other than Americans, or will be expected to endure any national disability at the hands of any foreign country because of their faith.”

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