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News Brief

March 9, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

An appeal to Great Britain to keep the doors of Palestine open to Jewish refugees was made here today by Rabbi Louis I. Newman of Temple Rodeph Sholom, New York, at a luncheon of the Baltimore chapter of the Hadassah held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel. “Great Britain must fulfill the responsibilities of its mandate in these hours of crisis for the stricken people of Israel,” Rabbi Newman said. “Jewish immigration has brought to Palestine an amazing economic development, and Arabs, Christians and Jews alike are benefitting thereby. If the gates are shut to Jewish settlers, the progress of the Holy Land will be impeded, the flow of capital for new industrial and agric iltural enterprises will slacken, and thousands of unhappy refugees seeking an asylum from persecution will be made to despair.”

The proceeds of the meeting will go toward work in Palestine. Mrs. Myer Strauss is president of the local Hadassah chapter.


Isaac Kahanowitz, Greenburg merchant, died here Tuesday night in a hospital He was well known as a leader in the American Zionist movement. He was sixty years old.

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