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Baron Rothschild Gift for Schools Considered by Palestine Hebrew Teachers

November 21, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Baron’s Terms Involve Change in Educational Personnel (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The Hebrew schools of Palestine, which were not opened the beginning of the season because of the situation created through the curtailment of the Zionist budget, may be reopened next week if the grant of Baron Edmund de Rothschild in the amount of £18,000 will be accepted by the school authorities.

In making his grant, Baron Edmund stipulated that the schools be given a religious character and that the instruction of religion occupy a more prominent place in the curriculum. The matter was taken under advisement by the Palestine Executive and by the executive of the Union of Hebrew Teachers which is an important factor in determing the character of the schools in Palestine.

It was stated that the acceptance of the terms of the Rothschild grant will involve considerable changes in he personnel of the Vaad Ha’chinuch, the board of education. It is expected that an understanding on this question will be reached.

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