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B’nai B’rith District 2 Praises Hoover and Salmon Levinson

May 8, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Resolutions in which President Hoover and Salmon O. Levinson, Chicago Jewish lawyer, were lauded for their efforts on behalf of international peace, were adopted here this week at the convention of District Number 2, Independent Order of B’nai B’rith. The resolutions were proposed by Samuel I. Sievers, president of the District Grand Lodge.

The work of the Hillel Foundations, established on the campuses of American universities by the B’nai B’rith, of the Aleph Zadik Aleph Junior Order, of the women’s auxiliaries and the benevolent institutions maintained by the B’nai B’rith, as well as the Boy Scout activities sponsored by the Order, were praised by Mr. Sievers. Leo Kaminsky, of Indianapolis, chairman of the committee on junior auxiliaries, announced that a group of Jewish business men in Sofia, Bulgaria, have decided to convert Jewish junior societies there into AZA chapters; he predicted that the junior order of the B’rith B’nai would soon spread to many other countries.

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