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Breslau University Closed As Nazis Renew Anti-semitic Manifestations

November 18, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Breslau University was closed today when Nazis resumed their anti-Semitic attacks when the Jewish professor Ernst Cohn returned to the lecture platform at the invitation of the faculty of the Law School.

The anti-Semitic manifestations by the Nazis recurred despite elaborate precautions taken by the authorities, such as rigorous checking of the credentials of the students and a special entrance to the hall where the lecture was scheduled.

One plain clothes policeman was injured during the events.

Professor Ernst Cohn who made his initial appearance as a member of the faculty of the Law School last Thursday had been compelled to suspend his lectures because of the attacks upon him as a Jew.

He decided to return to his course only after the faculty of the law school had issued a statement asking him to return and an appeal to the students to maintain order.

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