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Canadian Zionists Greet Lord Balfour

July 26, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

On the occasion of the eightieth birthday of the Earl of Balfour. Canadian Zionists, through their president, Mr. A. J. Freiman of Ottawa, have sent Lord Balfour the following cable.

“In the name of Canadian Zionists it is my great pleasure to extend to you our sincere congratulations on the occason of your birthday. That you may enjoy many more years of happiness is the heartfelt wish of all our people who love and respect the name of Balfour for the wonderfully inspiring interest you have always taken in our cause. (Signed) A. J. Freiman. president, Zionist Organization of Canada.”


The “Reflex” English-Jewish monthly magazine published under the editorship of Dr. S. Melamed, has transferred its editorial and publishing offices to Chicago. The executive offices of the magazine will remain in New York under the management of Messrs. Isaac Carmel and Joel Slouim it was announced.

Tekav-Ska-Kah. meaning White Deer, was the name bestowed upon Solomon Levitan, State Treasurer of Wisconsin, when he became the first Jewish Winnebago Chief in history at a tribal ceremony at Wisconsin Rapids.

About 300 Indians gathered for the ceremony, which was held on a flying field

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