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China and Zionism Attacked

February 15, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Pravda, the official organ of the Soviet Communist Party, has launched a blistering attack against the People’s Republic of China for “flirting with Zionism” and for “teaming up with Israel on anti-Sovietism.” Vladimir Bolshakov, in a recent is sue of Pravda, wrote that following the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States, China will take steps toward “normalization of relations with Israel.”

The Pravda article, released internationally by the Soviet news agency, Toss, noted that commentaries on this issue were prompted by a meeting last November between China’s Deputy Premier Keng Piao and Howard Squadron, president of the American Jewish Congress , who was visiting Peking as part of-an American delegation of civic affairs leaders.

Squadron, who was the only Jewish member of the delegation, first described his conversation with Keng in on interview with Victor Riesel on radio station WEVP on Jan .5. Squadron said that Keng’s comments to him indicated the possibility that China may be easing its stand of refusing to recognize Israel.


Adding fuel to the diplomatic fire , Bolshakov was reported by Toss as saying that it was also discovered that China’s foreign Minister Huang Hua had a secret meeting earlier last year in Zurich with Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman. In addition, the Pravda article claimed that some time last month Israel was visited by a high- ranking Chinese diplomat from China’s Mission to the United Nations.

According to the Toss report of Bolshakov article , the Chinese diplomat “reportedly told is Israeli officials that the Foreign Ministry of the People’s Republic of China favorably treated possibilities of establishing Chinese Israeli relations, specifically an exchange of consulates, or –for the beginning –trade representations .”

Bolshakov, Toss noted, concluded that the desires of Zionists and Maoists have fully corrected in many spheres. “China backed Israeli -Egyptian separate negotiations,” Bolshakov wrote. “It is not at all accidental that the Peking diplomacy, which, established relations with Oman, is now actively coaxing other regimes in the area of the Middle East and Near East, Known for their anti-Communism and anti-Sovietism.”

Describing “international. Zionism” as “one of the strike units of the U.S. imperialism in its struggle” against “real socialism,” the “national liberation movement,” “progressive Arab countries” and the “Palestinians,” Bolshakov stated: “Both Maoists and Zionists are thus teaming up on the grounds of anti-Sovietism, complicity with U.S. imperialism.”

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