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Committee to Save Jews of Europe Files Charges Against Dr. Wise Before Rabbinical Body

January 21, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Emergency Committee to save the Jewish People Europe today announced that it is arraigning Dr. Stephen S. Wise before the tribunal of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada, accusing him of seeking to undermine the efforts of the Committee for the rescues of Jews of Europe.

The charges, filed against Dr. Wise as an individual and as president of the American Jewish Conference and leading member of the American Zionist Organization, were made by Peter R. Bergson, co-chairman of the Emergency Committee, in behalf of himself and his colleagues. Wise is charged specifically with:

1. Inaugurating a campaign of slander against Mr. Bergson and his colleagues, stating doubt on their honesty in managing public funds, “with the purpose of undermining confidence in the Emergency Committee.”

2. Campaigning to influence American statesmen by the “most unscrupulous means” to stop giving support to the movement of rescuing European Jews.

3. Attempting to kill the Gillette-Baldwin-Rogers resolution which was introduced in both House of Congress, asking for the establishment of a governmental body to effectuate the speedy rescue of Jews of Europe.

As evidence, supporting his charges, Mr. Bergson submitted to the Union of Orthodox Rabbis the memorandum of the Interim Committee of the American Jewish Conference of which Dr. Wise is one of the leaders, as well as Dr. Wise’s testimony before the House Committee of Foreign Affairs on the question of rescuing Nazi victims.


In a statement to the press, Dr. Stephen S. Wise declared that the charges brought against him are “moral blackmail.”

“The step taken by the so-called Emergency Committee and its rabbinical partners does not interest me,” Rabbi Wise said. “Moral blackmail is a weapon which serves nothing but contempt. It is a weapon firing with poisoned bullets. I believe that this step can do me no harm. The allegation that I wanted to kill the Gillettiogers resolution is a lie, and its authors know that it is a lie. I suggested amendment to the resolution that the Palestine doors remain open for Jewish immigration.”

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