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General Zionists Announce Stand on Issues Facing Actions Committee

December 18, 1959
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A number of resolutions adopted by the World Confederation of General Zionists with regard to the proposed revisions of the constitution of the World Zionist Organization were made public here by Dr. Israel Goldstein and Mrs. Rose Halprin, co-chairmen of the Confederation.

The resolutions, adopted in New York in consultation with the Confederation’s branches in various countries, endorse the decision adopted at the last Actions Committee meeting to open the way for admitting into the World Zionist Organizations non-Zionist bodies who endorse the Zionist program. They urge that the functions and duties of the presidium of the Actions Committee be clarified and the presidium be instructed not to exceed them.

The resolutions also urge the abolishment of the Small Actions Committee; that the interval between Zionist Congresses be set at four years instead of the present elastic three years, and that postponement beyond the four-year interval be agreed upon only for extreme cause; and that the size of the Actions Committee be fixed at 100. They insist on the preservation of 500 as the number of Zionist Congress delegates, an equitable apportionment of mandates for countries other than Israel and the United States, and the assurance of representation at the Congress for tiny Jewish communities having less than 500 souls.

“The World Confederation of General Zionists, based on the principle of non-identification with any political parties in Israel, and representing 29 countries, will hold meetings in London of the executive of its European Confederation and will meet in plenary session in Jerusalem on December 27 to formulate its stand on the various problems facing this next Actions Committee meeting, defining its position and decisions in the interests of the movement and with the non-partisan approach which has always characterized its actions,” the statement said.

At the same time it was announced here that the executive of the World Confederation of General Zionists which is headed by Dr. Emanuel Neumann will also meet in plenary session in Israel and that meetings will last two days, beginning December 25. Among the principal items on the agenda of the Neumann group will similarly be issues confronting the forthcoming session of the Zionist Actions Committee that is scheduled to open in Jerusalem on December 28 and primarily the question of revisions in the constitution of the World Zionist Organization.

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