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Hakoah Team Plays First Game of Tour

April 22, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

The Hakoah Club of Vienna, in the opening match of their second tour of the United States, met the Bethlehem Steel team yesterday in a game resulting in a scoreless tie.

A crowd of 5,000 attended the game. Bethlehem obtained six corners to the visitor’s one. Ilakoah excelled in defensive work.

In honor of the visitors Bethlehem took a half-holiday. American flags decorated the principal streets prior to the game, through which passed an automobile parade, headed by Mayor James A. Leakle and members of the Hakoah and Bethlehem teams. R. Edgar Lewis, Vice President of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, and his brother, W. Luther Lewis, Chairman of the local Soccer Committee; Michael Kelley and Abraham Tuvim formed the Reception Committee.

Hakoah won the toss and elected to defend the Western goal.

The Hakoah line-up consisted of Fabian, Schuer, Fried, Gold, Barback, Katz, Wortmann, Kestler, Hess and Fisher with Feldman substituting for Scheuer and Nicholsburger for Kestler.

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