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Hilfsverein to Concentrate on Overseas Emigration

May 8, 1936
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Future activities of the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland, German Jewish relief organization, will be concentrated on emigration to overseas countries, it was announced today by Max Warburg, Hamburg banker and Jewish leader, at that body’s annual meeting.

Mr. Warburg, who is vice-president of the Hilfsverein, urged that German-Jewish emigration be regarded as part of the general Jewish migration from Eastern and Central Europe.

Criticizing the fifty-fifty principle of sharing between Palestine projects and those for emigration to other overseas countries, Mr. Warburg advocated that the entire problem be entrusted to qualified individuals.

He announced that the Hilfsverein is forming specialized groups of emigrants and is carefully selecting emigrants for the colonies of Jewish Colonization Society in the Argentine.

After attacking “the wild emigration projects of the past year,” Mr. Warburg said the Hilfsverein is sending experts overseas to study on the spot the absorptive capacity of each country.

He further advocated that allocation of funds raised for German Jews be made on the basis of loans, instead of as presents. To effect this plan, Mr. Warburg suggested creation of a financial organization to regulate issuance of the loans.

Concluding his address, Mr. Warburg advised that the German emigrant behave as a good Jew, not engage in politics and add his share to Jewish life in the country he makes his new home.

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