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Hlinka Guard, S.s. Men, Given Complete Control over Slovakian Jews

December 9, 1941
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The execution of anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia will be left to the Hlinka Guard, Slovakian storm-troopers, under special instructions issued to them today by the Slovak Ministry of the Interior, according to an announcement over the Bratislava radio.

The official decree empowering the Hlinka Guard and the Nazi SS-troopers in Slovakia to assume control of the enforcement of anti-Jewish legislation went into effect December 4. Each Hlinka guardsman and Nazi trooper detailed to this duty will receive a special identity card bearing his photograph. Any two of these men have the right to take into custody a Jews who cannot prove his identity or has violated any regulations.

In the course of their duties they may enter Jewish business houses if they are in pursuit of a Jew and they may carry out personal search of any Jew. They are also responsible for enforcing the various police decrees aimed against Jews as well as the regulations requiring Jews to wear identification labels and restricting their travel. They are to supervise the ban on ritual slaughter, the carrying out of the compulsory labor laws aimed against Jews and the ban on the formation of Jewish societies. Similarly, they are to enforce the prohibition of the employment of Aryan servants by Jews, of the carrying of arms, fishing and driving motor vehicles, and the regulation forbidding Jews to take over or reestablish industrial or commercial enterprises from which they have been excluded.

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