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Iraq Asking France for Additional Help in Field of Nuclear Reactors

January 12, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Iraqi Vice President Taha Mohieddin Marut today reportedly asked President Valery Giscard d’Estaing to supply Iraq with an undisclosed number of nuclear reactors to be

Iraq, which has already ordered in France 36 Mirage F-1 fighter bombers, has also shown interest in France’s new combat plane, the Mirage-2000, described as the West European equivalent to America’s F-15 and which is due for production in 1982. Iraq, which has in the past-relied on Soviet military equipment, is reportedly trying to diversify its arms suppliers. Maruf told the French that Iraq is now interested in French-mode helicopters, combat planes, missiles and tanks.

French sources say that no definite decision has yet been taken on any of these subjects, which will be studied by French and Iraqi experts in a few months. The issue will also be discussed during the forthcoming visit to France by Iraqi strongman and Vice President of the Revolutionary Council, Saddam Hussein, who is due in Paris next summer.

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