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Israel Seeks U.S. Intervention with Syria; State Dept. Sends Notes to Syria and Israel

May 8, 1951
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The State of Israel today asked the U.S. State Department to try to bring about an end to the Syrian attacks on Israel’s territory. The American Government, meanwhile, disclosed a series of week-end moves aimed at bringing about peace between Israel and Syria.

Israel Ambassador Abba Eban called at the Department today and, after talking with American officials, said he had requested the U.S. to use its “good offices.” The Department revealed that on May 6 notes were sent to Israel and Syria which urged those governments to take all steps within their power “to restore peaceful conditions in and near the disputed area.” It was also made known today that consultations have been held by the American Government with the British and French and that the consultations will continue.

The Syrian Minister, Faiz el Khouri, also called at the State Department today but there was no indication that Syria is willing to accept the intervention of the United States.

The American Government said today that, in view of the developments of the last two days in the undeclared war between Israel and Syria, the U.S. is proposing that the meeting of the United Nations Security Council tomorrow “continue urgently its consideration of the Israel-Syria differences.” State Department press spokesman Michael McDermott said this afternoon that action by the Security Council “is all that we have in mind at the moment.” It was made known that the U.S. is “seriously concerned” about the Israeli-Syrian situation.

(An urgent appeal to the United States Government to take immediate steps to halt Syria’s “flagrant breach” of the Syrian-Israel armistice agreement was made today in a telegram sent by Louis Lipsky, chairman of the American Zionist Council, to Secretary of State Dean Acheson.)

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