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Jewish Veteran of Bulgarian Independence War Dies in Sofia at 84

April 14, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Aaron Wolf Goldberg, a Jewish veteran of the Bulgarian war of Liberation, died in Sofia this week at the age of 84.

Goldberg came to Bulgaria with the Russian Army and fought at the battle of Schipka Pass in 1877, in which Bulgaria won her liberation from Turkey. No less than 14 attacks made at Schipka Pass on August 11th., 1877 by the Turkish Commander, Suleiman Pasha, were beaten back by the Bulgarian defenders, and Goldberg was in every one of the counter-attacks. The Bulgarian people look up to all who fought at Schipka as national heroes.

The funeral procession was headed by a military band playing the death march, and an officer marched in front bearing on a black cushion the eight medals for bravery which had been won by Goldberg.

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