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Laborites Demand Voice in Actions Committee in Proportion to Strength

August 16, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Asserting that the Actions Committee of the World Zionist Organization, as at present constituted in proportion to party strength manifested at the seventeenth world Congress, no longer represents the membership of the Zionist Organization as expressed by the voting this year for delegates to the eighteenth Congress which opens on August 21, the delegates of the Zionist labor groups today, in a prelude to their assumption of the dominant role in the Congress, demanded that the Actions Committee invite representatives of the Labor Party as ex officio members, in order to give the party proper voice in the committee’s activities.

The Laborites want to be represented when the Actions Committee votes approval or disapproval of the acts of the retiring executive and also when it is deciding other political questions.


In addition, they made the demand that the Grossman Democratic Revisionists, now having seven members on the committee, have their representation cut to two since their showing in the last election does not entitle them to more.

This ultimatum almost resulted in dispensing with the Actions Committee altogether. However, after several hours of negotiating, a compromise was reached whereby the Actions Committee will limit its decisions to formal questions only and avoid decisions on political matters.

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