In addition to the numerous messages of good will and felicitation from leading American Jews published in the 1,000th issue, the Jewish Daily Bulletin takes pleasure in publishing today those messages from prominent leaders which were unavoidably omitted because of technical difficulties which developed as the issue went to press.
JACOB de HAAS, New York City “I am glad to know that the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is approaching its one thousandth issue and like ‘Charley’s Aunt’ is still running. This is both a tribute to the growing consciousness of the Jewish community and to your own perseverance. That the ‘Bulletin’ is a fact newspaper adds to its value because in Jewish life we have had much opinion and but little accurate information.
“I glance at the ‘Bulletin’ each morning before I read my mail-that I believe is a fair expression of my appreciation of its existence.”
WILLIAM H. FINESHRIBER, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, Pa.-“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is doing a fine piece of constructive work in the daily dissemination of Jewish news from all over the world.
“Not only has it value for the student of Jewish affairs, but it is also a valuable adjunct to our Religious Schools and to the Laity who wish to keep informed on all matters pertaining to Jewish interest.”
HARRY FISCHEL, New York City.-“I am only too happy to give my endorsement to this valuable publication.
“I do not know of any other newspaper which serves the purpose better for the busy man in New York City. As one who is very much interested in Jewish communal affairs, the Bulletin is furnishing me with all the information I desire.
“I congratulate you on this occasion of the one thousandth issue. I hope by the time you will reach the 2,000th issue, your publication will reach the position which it deserves.”
DR. SOLOMON B. FREEHOF, Chicago, III.-“I read the ‘Daily Bulletin’ regularly and find it invaluable. It gives me a living picture of Jewry all over the world. In order that the older pupils in our religious school may learn to visualize World-Israel the Bulletin is used as the basis for one of the school courses.”
MAURICE J. FREIBERG, Cincinnati, Ohio.-“You are certainly to be congratulated on reaching these two milestones, and I trust that the ‘Daily Bulletin’ record of a thousand daily issues, will be multiplied very many and should be read by even more of times, for it is an excellent influence and should be read by even more of our Jewish brethern than it is read at the present time.”
“What I like particularly about the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’, is that it gives News and not Views.”
A. B. FREY, Judge of the Circuit Court, St. Louis, Mo.-“There is an urgent need for this service, since it keeps us cognizant of what is taking place throughout the world in matters concerning the Jews. The first prerequisite to intelligent action of any kind is a thorough familiarity with the facts. I am satisfied that your agency is seeking to give the facts concerning Jewish affairs transpiring throughout the world in a truthful, clear and interesting manner, and that in doing this you are rendering a public service not only to the Jew, but to the non-Jew.”
JULIUS GLASER, President, The Jewish Federation of St. Louis, Mo.-“I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your ‘Daily Bulletin’ as it gives me such information of everything that is Jewish which I should not get in any other manner. Every Jewish person should become a subscriber.”
S. HERBERT GOLDEN, New York City.-“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is indispensable to the Jew who is interested in the welfare of his people. It contains valuable information in a condensed form, making it possible for the busiest man to read without loss of time, and at the same time keep himself informed of the existing conditions of his people throughout the world.
“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is small in size, but large and rich with information.”
RABBI SOLOMON GOLDMAN, Cleveland, Ohio.-“The Agency has helped bring the Jews, far-flung the world over, closer together. As a result the vision of Jewish leadership has had to grow apace with it. Jewish leaders no longer dare to take a narrow parochial view of the problems of our people. The Agency has made the enlargement of perspective imperative. Thanks to it those aspiring to be at the helm of Jewish affairs will have to envisage them as world problems rather than as those of particular countries.
“The ‘Bulletin’ is the sine qua non to the intelligent and interested Jew. Those who have a flair for such things will easily pick the ‘Bulletin’ reader in the drawing room. He does not shake his head as though he were addressed in coptic. He has an opinion on things Jewish; a feeling for or against. He is not ignorant or indifferent.
“That you have been able to accomplish such remarkable results without governmental aid or subsidy is beyond comprehension. It speaks volumes for the idealism of the Agency.”
ALBERT M. GREENFIELD, Philadelphia, Pa.-“With the complete collapse of the anti-Semitic campaigns lately waged in this country, discerning observers have noted an opportunity to establish an entente cordiale between the Jews of America and Americans of other creeds.
“This is a splendid opportunity and we should make the most of it. I do not know of any other agency as well qualified as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency to interpret the thought of American Jews to the press of the nation and thus to the people at large.
“I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations to Mr. Landau and his associates on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and to express the hope that it will long continue to be, as it has in the past, an active force for the good of the Jews of the world wherever they may be.”
RABBI MAURICE H. HARRIS, Temple Israel, New York.-“It gives me great pleasure to extend my congratulations on the ninth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. I have read the ‘Bulletin’ ever since its appearance and get great help from it. My weekly copies are regularly used in our Post-graduate Sunday School group. The publication, in fact, is made part of their course in Current Events.”
RABBI LEON HARRISON, Temple Israel, St. Louis, Mo.-“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ opens the day for me at the breakfast table. It flashes before my eyes a world-wide panorama of catholic Israel,-its haps and mishaps-a manifold drama of its experiences everywhere.
“There is no thoughtful Jew who can dispense with the daily reminder of the living link that joins him to his brethren. We need this daily bulletin from the battlefront where ignorance and enlightenment clash arms, and the sickening inhumanity of man to man is again ilustrated. These tidings do not appear in the great journals of the land or receive but a passing mention.
“I am glad to receive these concentrated moving-pictures of worldwide Israel day by day. They increase the scope and the depth of my sympathies and awaken both my pride and pity and strengthen my loyalty to the people whose treatment by any land measures the civilization of that land.”
RABBI MAX HELLER, New Orleans, La.-“In my many years’ observation of Jewish delevopments the rise of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the ‘Bulletin’ stands by itself as an unhoped for fulfilment. While I deemed it my sacred duty to be among their first supporters, I had only the faintest hope that they could live and grow. I feared that the intelligence and the solidarity of generations were not prepared to act with proper appreciation of so valuable a tool.
“I am greatly encouraged to find both enterprises expanding in scope and power and shall always follow their growth with the sympathy of a cordial well-wisher.”
ABRAHAM HERMAN, President of the HIAS, New York City.-“I congratulate you upon your 1000th issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin.’
“I find the ‘Bulletin’ to be a daily necessity and indispensable to anyone, who is interested in Jewish communal affairs.”
R. HORWICH, Chicago. III.-“The Bulletin’ is a wonderful instrument to bring its readers much closer to Jewish life, Jewish faith and Jewish affairs. No one interested in Jewish matters can afford to be without it.”
J. C. HYMAN, Secretary, Joint Distribution Committee, New York City.-“I have watched the work of the ‘Bulletin’ and I regard it as indispensable. I have come to read it daily as part of my regular program of activities. It meets a decided need and makes it possible to keep constantly in touch with the current of Jewish affairs the world over.
“I sincerely trust that the ‘Bulletin’ will grow and prosper.”
HENRY ITTELSON, New York City.-“I read the ‘Bulletin’ for accurate news of interest to the Jew. You are doing a good job.”
RABBI LEO JUNG, The Jewish Center, New York City.-“In the routine of my day, the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ comes after the morning prayer and before breakfast. No matter how busy I may be, I find it absolutely impossible to omit reading your excellent daily for the information it conveys.
“We are glad to have it for the children of the Jewish Center Elementary School, and I continually tell my friends that a good Jew must not be without it.”
DAVID KASS, New York City.-“I find the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ and Jewish Telegraphic Agency valuable for the concise information it gives on current Jewish conditions in every part of the world, and particularly do I appreciate this service since the news is given without bias or slant.”
“Long may the Agency flourish and may its ‘Daily Bulletin’ continue to flash over the cables and through the ether in the service of the great Jewish people and of humanity in general.”
SOL KLINE, Chicago, III.-“You and your associates have developed a worthwhile publication which through its accuracy, terseness and impartiality has justly earned the confidence of its readers. The position now occupied by the publication should be a source of great satisfaction to you.”
SAMUEL C. KOHS, Eureka Benevolent Society, San Francisco.-“I do not know of any other source more effective in the securing and the disseminating of news vital to thinking Jewish men and women than your daily paper.
“You deserve the fullest support of Jews all over the world in your arduous and noble task.”
HAROLD KORN, New York City.-“As an anniversary message, I hail the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as ‘The Quickest Connecting Link Between World Wide Jewry.”
DR. JOSEPH KRIMSKY, Brooklyn, N. Y.-“I have followed closely and sympathetically the career of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ since its inception. It has been of indispensable service to me in keeping in intimate and intelligent contact with Jewish affairs throughout the world.”
NATHAN KUSSY, Newark, N.?-“Through the medium of your agency the pageant of Jewish history is maintained. Contemporary events pass before our eyes and make ## conscious of the continuity of our history. We are no longer kept in ignorance of the fate of our brethren in other lands. Whenever the harrassed Jew sents forth his cry of anguish, that cry reechoes throughout the world. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has become a mouthpiece of our afflicted people.
“And in addition to this, it gives expression to the hopes and dreams of Israel in this era of Zionistic rejuvenation.”
HARRY LAPIDUS, Omaha, Nebraska.-“To my mind you are filling a very important need in conveying the information to the individual, especially to those of us that are away from the metropolis, in a very clear, concise and practical manner. I feel certain that if the Jews of America actually knew of the real service that your paper is performing in bringing the message of the entire Jewry of the world to them daily you would have no difficulty whatever in their cooperation both morally and financially.”
DR. ISRAEL HERBERT LEVINTHAL, Rabbi of Brooklyn, Jewish Center, Brooklyn, N. Y.-“Both the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin” are filling distinct needs in Jewish life. The whole Jewish world is daily brought before our eyes through these mediums. Such a service as you are rendering is of inestimable value and deserving of the whole-hearted support of every thinking Jew.”
RABBI FELIX A. LEVY, Emanuel Congregation, Chicago, III.-“The ‘Bulletin’ has become an indispensable factor in the life of the Jew who wishes to keep abreast of Jewish events and the work that the Agency is doing is little short of remarkable and deserves widespread recognition and support on the part of all Jewry.”
SAM A. LEWISOHN, New York City.-“The world can only form its impression of a group through the reports that reach it. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ are most valuable vehicles for painting an accurate composite picture of the Jews throughout the world.
“As all Jews are affected by this world picture these agencies perform a most useful function to every Jew.”
L IRVING LIPSITCH, Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations, Los Angeles, ##-“Ever since I have had the opportunity to receive and read the Bulletin’ with regularity, I have felt that it would be impossible to be engaged either professionally or as a volunteer in Jewish social work without the continued and continuous use of the material which is so ably and impartially presented.”RABBI HERMAN LISSAUER, Temple Emanu-El, Los Angeles, Cal.-“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is a great achievement. It records Jewish history daily. It is the most powerful means for the development of a Jewish public opinion and greatly aids in consolidating the Jewish consciousness.”
JUDGE DAVID A. LOURIE, Supreme Court, Boston, Mass.-“The Bulletin’ enables me to understand without extensive reading many activities and problems of Jewry throughout the world. It is fair and securate in presentation of its news and free from partisanship. Its sole aim seems to be the dissemination of truth and enlightenment concerning Israel. I read it with interest daily. It ought to be read by every Jew who desires to keep well informed about his people here and abroad.”
RABBI EDGAR F. MAGNIN, Temple B’nai B’rith, Los Angeles, Calif.-“The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ are tremendous assets to the Jews of America. In the presentation of news, both of them have been accurate and fair. On the ninth anniversary of the former and the one thousandth issue of the latter, I desire to congratulate you and your coworkers. I sincerely hope that the Jews of America will afford you every support, morally and financially.”
RABBI HARRY S. MARGOLIS, St. Paul, Minn.-“Permit me to take this means to congratulate you and the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ on the occasion of the publication of its one thousandth issue and also the Jewish Telegraphic Agency upon its ninth universary. Both the ‘Bulletin’ and the Agency are two very valuable instuments for disseminating accurate current Jewish news. To those living far away from the main centers of Jewish life the ‘Bulletin’ is a source of inspiration and information.
“You and your staff are rendering an invaluable service to American Jewry. I congratulate you and wish you continued success.”
DR. S. MARGOSHES, Editor, The Day, New York.-“On the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, I wish to add my testimony of the really remarkable service rendered by your organization to Jewish newspaperdom in America and elsewhere.
“Without the Jewish Telegraphic Agency the great Yiddish papers in America, now having a combined circulation running hundreds of thousands, would be provincial both in scope and in outlook. Your excellent news-gathering organization has enabled us, of the Jewish newspapers in America, to give our readers first hand information on all the important events which transpire in Jewish life the world over, and to form opinions which are based on a larger view.
“Please accept my heartiest felicitations on the ninth anniversary of the founding of your organization.”
RABBI S. FELIX MENDELSOHN, Temple Beth Isrel, Chicago, III.-“May I take this opportunity to congratulate your able associates and yourself upon the approaching publication of the one thousandth issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin.
“When the announcement of your intention to issue a daily newspaper in English for American Jewry reached me I was skeptical about the feasibility of the whole project. Your persistence, however, has made this seemingly impossible dream a reality.
“I find the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ of great interest and usefulness in my work as a Rabbi and a Jewish journalist. Its policy of giving only the news without any comment appeals particularly to me. Whenever the opportunity lends itself I always speak to my friends very highly of the ‘Daily Bulletin’ as an effective agency for the dissemination of reliable information about our people.”
RABBI ALBERT S. MINDA, Temple Israel, Minneapolis, Minn.-“I take this opportunity of conveying my sincere congratulations on the ninth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the one thousandth issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin.
“May I say that I have found these indispensable for my work. I am confident that the same may be said for American Jewish life in general. To be able to secure news of world Jewry promptly and without bias is a service which must be appreciated by all those who have Jewish interests at heart.
“Accept my wishes for the continued success of your organization.”
LILLIE BOGEN MORRIS, Managing Editor, Jewish Monitor, Fort Worth, Tex.-“It is with great pleasure and without the slightest hestiancy that I express my word of praise for your most useful, valuable organization. Through the efforts of your Agency, Jewish news pertaining to all questions are spread throughout the world, and its usefulness is distinctly apparent.”
AARON M. NEUSTADT, Editor, Ohio Jewish Chronicle, Columbus, O.-“I want you to know that I have a high regard for the work you have been doing on behalf of Jews and Judaism. I am fully aware of the magnitude and the broad scope of your usefulness and appreciate deeply the catholic policy which has guided you and animates all your efforts.
“Continue to render this type of service and your friends and supporters will multiply. Of this I am absolutely certain.”
RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN, Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco, Calif.-“I am pleased again to express my appreciation of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ on the occasion of the appearance of its one thousandth issue and the ninth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
“The Jewish community of America should take this publication to its heart and insure beyond all questions its welfare and progress. No one in active Jewish leadership or interested at all in Jewish affairs can afford to miss reading the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ regularly. You are to be congratulated on your endeavors to promote your periodical. I am confident that its future will be all that you and your co-workers aspire to make it.”
KURT PEISER, Superintendent, The United Jewish Social Agencies, Cincinnati, O.-“Kindly accept our heartiest congratulations for this fine accomplishment, the one thousandth issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’. May I express for the United Jewish Social Agencies of Cincinnati the wish that you will continue the splendid enlightening work which has tremendous educational value for American Jewry.”
DR. DAVID de SOLA POOL, Rabbi Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, New York.-“Great is truth and stronger than all things.’ This teaching of our ancient literature might well be the motto of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has set upon itself the purpose of disseminating the truth about conditions of Jewish life throughout the world today. To this high mission it has been unflinchingly loyal during the nine years of its existence. This service of enlightenment of both Jew and Gentile is one for which both Jew and Gentile should be profoundly grateful, for ‘truth abideth and is strong forever. She liveth and conquereth for ever more.'”
A. A. ROBACK, Emerson Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass-“To say that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is a Jewish institution which has helped to raise the status of the Jews as a national unit is hardly saying enough. It might without exaggeration be regarded as a sort of Jewish sympathetic nervous system. The attention of an indifferent world is, through its offices, frequently directed upon matters which would otherwise have failed to register.
“Since subscribing to the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ I have been in the habit of reading it before the general press. Its objective spirit, concise and clear phrasing, and, above all the cultural significance of most of the news items make it an outstanding publication, whose influence is far greater than one might suspect from its diminutive size. It is a pleasure to join the army of well-wishers on the occasion on its anniversary.”
DR. A. J. RONGY, New York.-“The Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is a great medium for focusing one’s attention on Jewish affairs. It presents all important events in a concentrated form, and it helps to give one a mental picture of what is going on in Jewish life throughout the world. Any one interested in Jewish problems cannot afford to miss to read it.”
LOUIS SCHLESINGER, Newark, N. J.-“I understand that you will shortly celebrate the Ninth Anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the 1,000th issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’, which I peruse daily with much satisfaction as much news relative to our people is contained therein, which does not appear in any other newspaper, and desire to extend my best wishes for your continued success.”
DR. MENDEL SILBER, Editor, The Jewish Ledger, New Orleans, La.-“As you are about to enter the tenth year of the existence of your invaluable publication, I wish to extend to you hearty greetings and best wishes for your continued success. ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ has indeed established itself as an indispensable part of Jewish life and, as time goes on and its great service to our people continues, it cannot but meet with an ever increasing measure of appreciation and popularity.”
ARCHIBALD SILVERMAN, Providence. R. I.-“I take this opportunity of writing you on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the 1000th issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’.
“I cannot allow such an opportunity to pass without congratulating you upon the character of the ‘Bulletin’ and I do think that no home that is thoroughly Jewish should be without its copy of the ‘Bulletin’, since it gives a thorough resume of the items of Jewish interest. Its brevity adds to its attraction.”
RABBI JOSEPH SILVERMAN, Congregation Emanu-El, New York. N. Y.-“It is a pleasure to congratulate the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on its ninth anniversary, and also on the one thousandth issue of its ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has demonstrated the wisdom of its organizers, and has fulfilled, in letter and spirit, its original promise to supply the world daily with accurate reports of news concerning important Jewish affairs or interests the world over. The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’, vehicle of the Telegraphic Agency, is a daily source of intelligence combined with pleasure and profit. I am convinced that I voice the sentiments of thousands, if not tens of thousands, in wishing the Telegraphic Agency and the management of the ‘Bulletin’ greater success and prosperity, and extending to them felicitations.”
MORDECAI SOLTES, Director, Jewish Extension Education of Jewish Welfare, New York.-“The Jewish Daily Bulletin is rendering the cause of American Jewry a genuine service of high standard. Its impartial approach; the skilful presentation of Jewish news items in comprehensive yet compact form;-render this publication indispensable to the conscious Jew who is anxious to keep in touch with the living, pulsating Jewish people.
“The teaching of current Jewish events has been hindered in the past by the lack of a medium which would present the news in convenient form. This need has been met by the advent of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Furthermore, for the acquisition of a background of basic information concerning Jewish movements, problems, organizations, personalities and events, the Jewish Daily Bulletin index serves the purpose admirably.”
MEIER STEINBRINK, Brooklyn, N. Y.-“May I offer my congratulations on the occasion of the publication of the 1000th issue of the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin. This little messenger brings to one’s attention each day the worthwhile news affecting Jews and Judaism throughout the world. It is the only medium through which a busy man can keep thoroughly posted on Jewish affairs. You have my best wishes for the success which your work so richly deserves.”
L. A. STEINHARDT, New York.-“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is in dispensable for one who seeks ## keep informed as to international Jewish events. I find that for the purpose it has no equal.
“It furnishes a universal news service with the attributes of both an encyclopaedia and digest, condensed into a readily available source of information.”
MRS. ESTELLE M. STERNBERGER, Executive Secretary, National Council of Jewish Women, New York, N. Y.-“No one interested in Jewish life can consider himself or herself informed without the daily perusal of the dispatches in the Jewish Daily Bulletin. I regard your publication as one of the greatest influences for Jewish unity that we have in the world today. If the Jew of one land knows what the Jew in the remotest corners is experiencing suffering, or achieving, it is because your news lanes traverse the entire globe. You deserve gratitude as well as support in your tremendous and daring enterprise.”
MAXWELL M. TEICHER, New York.-“The ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ is an inspiring example of responsible journalism. It presents to its readers daily a concise and accurate picture of every noteworthy Jewish development in the world’s progress.
“I read your publication daily and cannot imagine how anyone interested in Jewish affairs can do without it.”
SOLOMON ULMER, Cleveland, O. -“I have been a subscriber to the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ since its birth. I consider it a valuable news promulgater.
“I await its arrival eagerly every morning and read it morning, noon and night.”
MORRIS M. WALDMAN, Secretary, The Jewish Welfare Federation, Detroit, Mich.-“We regard the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ not as a private commercial enterprise but as a public service organization. Though primarily intended to keep the Jewish people informed of what is taking place in Jewish life all over the world, its news service reaches far beyond our own boundaries and helps to insure the dissemination of reliable information to the English speaking world at large.
“When, occasionally because of delayed mail, I do not find the ‘Bulletin’ on my desk when I arrive in the morning, I feel as uncomfortable as if I had missed my breakfast.
“So long as the ‘Bulletin’ continues to maintain as high a standard as in the past, it should receive the widest possible circulation.”
DR. I. S. WECHSLER, New York.-“May I express to you on the occation of the anniversary of the ‘Bulletin’ my best wishes for its continued success. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have come to depend on it for information on current Jewish topics, and I can only add my word of commendation to the many you have already received from those who appreciate your excellent work as I do.”
LEO WEIDENTHAL, Editor, The Jewish Independent, Cleveland, O.-“Light is a potent instrument for good. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has been a medium for illumination through all the years of its existence. Its efficient and thorough newsgathening system has been an invaluable aid to the cause of justice and truth.”
MEYER W. WEISGAL, Secretary, Zionist Organization of America, New York. “The thousandth issue of the Jewish Daily Bulletin affords me a good opportunity for expressing commendation for the service which the Jewish Daily Bulletin has redered all American Jews interested in the progress of Jewish life.
“Praise for the Jewish Daily Bulletin must necessarily carry praise for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the parent organization. Both of these agencies have succeeded in rescuing Jewish events out of their former state of chaos into a visible, intelligible panorama.
“Though, at times, I may have disagreed with the emphasis placed upon certain events, I had always to acknowledge admiration for the splendid manner in which you gathered news.
“Allow me to express my congratulations to you on the thousandth issue of the Bulletin. I express these congratulations to you personally, because I know that the success of this unique Jewish venture is due, in large part, to your own indefatigability and editorial resourcefulness.”
DR. WEISSMAN, Associate Editor, California Jewish Review, Los Angeles, Calif.-“We feel that the Jewish news coming through your excellent service is like seeing one’s face reflected in a faultless mirror, while the same news coming through other sources appears more or less like a distorted reflection we see in the trick mirrors in side-shows.
“The Jews of Southern California are grateful for and appreciate the remarkable work that your agency is doing in presenting to them the various facts of Jewish life throughout the world.”
RABBI LOUIS WITT, Congregation Shaare Emeth, St. Louis, Mo.-“The Jewish problem is essentially a problem of creating a just world opinion about the Jew. To this end we need the truth about the Jew. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is the most important instrument for gathering and telling the truth about the Jew in all parts of the world. Its value to the Jew is, therefore, inestimable.”
RABBI MARTIN ZIELONKA, Temple Mt. Sinai, El Paso, Tex.-“If the Jewish Telegraphic Agency or the ‘Jewish Daily Bulletin’ would cease to function, then ways and means would be established for organizing similar methods of news-gathering. They have become indispensable to the thinking Jew of America, because they have kept out of party politics or programs and have served all Israel.”
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.