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Mapam Conference Seeks to Reconcile Policy Differences Within Component Units

June 1, 1951
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A three-day national conference of the Mapam Party is now in session here in an effort to reconcile differences in policy which have arisen among its three component units, the Hashomer Hatzair, the Achduth Avodah and the Left Poale Zion.

The conference was opened last night by Yakoov Hazan who, in a two-hour speech, denounced Titoism and reasserted his party’s belief in the identity of interests of the working class of Israel and “the revolutionary workers front in the East.” In the course of his speech, Mr. Hazan bitterly assailed Premier David Ben Gurion and denounced the government’s “subservience to the West.” The conference is being attended by 951 delegates of whom 563 represent the Hashomer Hatzair, 326, the Achduth Avodah and 62, the Left Poale Zion.

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