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Mosley Refrains from Mentioning Jews at East End Rally in London

September 10, 1962
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Sir Oswald Mosley held another rally of his British Union movement in London’s East End today and, although there was hearty and loud Jeering and heckling, the open-air mass meeting went off without physical incidents.

The fascist leader himself harangued his followers in the heart of the East End’s traditional Sunday market area, but, in his 45-minute talk, refrained from mentioning either Jews or Negroes. The area has heavy Jewish and Negro populations.

Today’s rally was the second attempted by Mosley in 18 hours. Last night, he tried to run a rally in the suburb of Croydon. But about 3,000 persons, shouting him down with yells of "fascist scum," staged a demonstration that forced him to halt the meeting. The anti-fascists made his remarks inaudible, and attacked Mosley and his cohorts with stones, eggs and firecrackers.

Meanwhile, today, the Rev. Bill Sargent, one of the founders of the recently formed anti-fascist "Yellow Star" movement, issued a call for an end to violence and marathon rallies against the British fascist movements. He requested, instead, that the "Yellow Star" adherents concentrate on circulating petitions, for presentation to Parliament when the House of Commons reconvenes next month, calling for an amendment to the Public Order Law of 1936, banning incitements toward racial discriminations.

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