A nationwide organization to take charge of the $1,000,000 Drive for the Ort was formed Sunday at a national conference held at the home of Adolph Lewisohn, 881 Fifth Avenue, New York, in which several hundred leading Jewish citizens from the large cities of the United States participated. The conference was opened by Mr. Lewisohn who, as host, greeted the delegates.
“Information coming to us from different countries of Eastern Europe brings news of hundreds of thousands of Jews unemployed, of homelessness and poverty, of misery and starvation, that is the result, not of passing catastrophies, but of the entire economic rebuilding of those countries. Our fellow Jews who, previous to the war, constituted the bulk of the middle class, have lost their economic position, and as the stabilization of the new governments progresses, the larger will grow the ranks of the victims. The only way to allay the situation is through a wholesale turning of the great Jewish masses to productive labor and self-support as agriculturists, artisans and industrialists. This is an ideal which must appeal to every one of us who, as Americans, have always been guided by the thought of self-support and selfrespect”, Mr. Lewisohn stated.
Dr. Henry Moskowitz, Chairman of the Executive of the Ort Reconstruction Fund, presided at the conference. Dr. Leon Bramson, representative of the Ort in America described the situation of Jews in Russia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Roumania and the reconstruction work the Ort is undertaking in these countries. Mr. Herman Bernstein, editor of the “Jewish Tribune” also pictured the situation of the Jews in Europe. The appeal of Dr. Nathan Krass, of Temple Emanuel, stirred the delegates to action.
The largest contribution made at the conference was the sum of $20,000 by Nathan Straus. It was a dramatic development, when after the announcement of the first contribution of $2,500, Mr. Straus ##eclared. “We are not going to start this off with just $2,500. I came late purposely, because I am unable to listen to an agonizing tale of the plight in which our brethren of Europe find themselves. I am sorry for them and if anyone will give a larger sum I will match it.”
Representatives from various cities agreed to raise definite amounts toward the million-dollar fund. Philadelphia will raise $150,000: Chicago, $200,000; St. Louis, $60,000; Detroit. $40,000; Boston and upper New England, $100,000. New York is expected to raise $500,000.
Mr. Charles Kline of Allentown, Pa., said he had come prepared to announce a comparatively large donation, realizing the cause was a noble one. He found, however, an “apathy” which be characterized as “astounding” and said that there were millionaires in the room who could easily afford five and ten times as much who were giving $1,000 and $2,000. Even a larger amount, Mr. Kline said, would mean as little to the donors as “a ten-cent cigar”. He called himself a “poor man”, but said he would gladly give $1,000 if anyone else would contribute $10,000.
David Sarnoff, vice-president of the Radio Corporation of America, was, amidst enthusiastic scenes, chosen chairman of the New York Drive Committee. Associated in the Ort Reconstruction Fund are, among others, James Becker of Chicago; Mrs. Alexander Kohut; Judge Jacob Panken and Judge Otto A. Rosalsky of New York; and Morris Woli of Philadelphia, vice-chairmen.
The Ort Conference was greeted by Governor Al. E. Smith in a letter in which he wrote:
“I am confident that your movement will have the support, not only of your own people who have made such signal contributions to constructive philanthropy, but it will also meet with the approval of the American people throughout the country who realize that no community can be permanently happy unless its members are thrifty and self-supporting workers.”
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.