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Nazi Congress Ushers in New Anti-jewish Propaganda Drive

September 10, 1936
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

With the eighth annual Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg supplying the impetus, the long-expected anti-Jewish propaganda drive gathered momentum throughout the Reich today.

Echoing the Keynote sounded by Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s opening speech, Der Stuermer, rabid anti-Semitic weekly published by Germany’s No. 1 Jew-baiter, Julius Streicher, placarded this city as well as Nuremberg and other large population centers with posters accusing the Jews of responsibility for the events in Spain and reviving the long-discredited libel about the so-called “Protocols of the Elder of Zion.”

A special issue of the Stuermer, reprinting the “Protocols” allegations that Jews planned to rule the world, was distributed by tens of thousands in Nuremberg today. Distribution was concentrated at a special exhibition designed to show the close affiliations between the Communists and Jews. The exhibit is called “Bolshevism with the Jewish Mask Off.”

In a proclamation at today’s session of the Congress, Chancellor Hitler reviewed Nazi achievements and boasted they had been accomplished “without a single Jew in the administrative system of the German nation.”

Accusing Jews of conducting a “shameless propaganda” against Germany, the Chancellor charged them with maintaining international Jewish revolutionary headquarters at Moscow.

“We’ve revealed this shameful Jewish system of world hatred,” he declared. “We studied its devilish methods. We warned against the results.”

Referring to the Olympics, he said that Jewish correspondents would no longer be able to misrepresent the truth of Germany, because “millions have now seen it.”

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