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Nazi to Be Named Austrian Interior Minister in Hitler-schuschnigg “deal”

February 16, 1938
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Arthur von Seyes-Inquart, Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s candidate to represent Austrian Nazis in the Vienna Government, will be named Minister of Interior, in a move combining two portfolios in the present Government, it was confirmed tonight.

In his new post the pro-Nazi minister will assume the public security portfolio held by Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg and the interior portfolio held by Dr. Edmund Glaise-Horstenau. The latter will be dropped from the Government.

These steps were reportedly arranged in a “deal” concluded during the surprise meeting between Schuschnigg and Hitler at Berchtesgaden last Saturday. In return for admission of the pro-Nazi minister to the Government, Hitler was said to have agreed to reaffirm Austria’s independence, in his Reichstag speech next Sunday. The Fuehrer also was said to have agreed to reaffirm the principle of “non-interference” in Austrian affairs in terms constituting formal recognition of the Austrian Patriotic Front, and to promise suppression of all aid to Nazis in Austria.

Ending of assistance to the Nazis probably will include a complete halt in the sending of money and propaganda material to Austria and cessation of the anti-Austrian campaign by the German press and radio.

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