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New York Governor Will Offer Legislation to Outlaw Racial Discrimination

January 21, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Governor Dewey will soon offer specific legislation to outlaw all forms of racial and religious discrimination in housing, education and employment in the state of New York, it was learned here today.

One proposal being considered would make the State Committee on Discrimination a permanent organization, with a greatly expanded budget, and power to act, as well as investigate discriminatory practices. At present the committee operates on an emergency budget provided by the State War Council. During 1943-44 it received $44,000. The committee chairman is Dr. Alvin Johnson.

In response to Anti-Defamation League charges of widespread anti-Semitic activities in Rhode Island, Gov. McGrath today promised to “leave no stone unturned to bring to punishment” any offenders.

“I believe the overwhelming opinion of the people of Rhode Island,” Gov. McGrath said, “would be to leave no stone unturned to bring to punishment any one in this state who would deliberately plan and execute acts of religious or racial persecution. I know personally every police chief in Rhode Island. I feel that not one of them would tolerate incidents of a bigoted nature being perpetrated in their communities. I think that our courts should deal without mercy in any case coming before them where the essence of the crime is rooted in intolerance.”

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