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No Anti-jewish Policy Expected in Argentina, World Jewish Congress Leader Says

May 2, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The majority of Jewish leaders in Argentina do not believe that an anti-Jewish drive is immigrant in that country, Dr. Leon Kubowitzki, general secretary of the World Jewish Congress, declared here today at a press conference following his return from a visit to South America.

The Jews in Argentina, he said, are disturbed, however, that a number of outspoken anti-Semites hold high positions in the government. Argentine Jews, he reported, are also concerned over a new decree which provides for the creation at the Department of Immigration of a special office to conduct an ethnographic and anthropological study, in order to establish the extent to which certain categories of immigrants are able to adjust themselves to Argentine life.

On the whole, the Jews of Argentine are fully capable of defending their rights, Dr. Kubowitzky emphasized. He said that the attitude of American Jews towards the Argentine situation should be one of watchfulness, but not of panic.

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