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Rockwell Seeks to Inject American Nazi Party in Negro-white Rift

August 16, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Federal law enforcement officials today noted an announcement issued here by George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, in the wake of yesterday’s disturbances in Chicago, pertaining to Rockwell’s intention to lead a massive march of white segregationists into the Negro neighborhoods of Chicago.

Rockwell said here that “thousands of white Chicagoans” have expressed desire to march under the Nazi emblem into the Negro section of Chicago and he will be at the head of the column. He said the mood in Chicago was now receptive to Nazi leadership of anti-Negro demonstrations and indicated that Nazis from throughout the nation are converging on that troubled city.

In Chicago today Miss Erica Himmler, secretary of the Nazi midwest office, told newsmen that arrangements are being made for a huge, Nazi-led white march into Negro neighborhoods. The march is being promoted under a slogan to appeal to non-Nazis: “You don’t have to be a Nazi or even agree with the Nazis to join. The only uniform is a white skin.” In Washington, Rockwell stated that he would carry the issue to the Negroes and exercise his Constitutional right to demand that they go “back to Africa.”

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