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The Reader’s Forum

February 7, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Editor, The Jewish Daily Bullentin:

I read with pleasure and profit your daily editorial notes under the heading of “Now” in the Daily Bulletin. In the issue of the 2nd inst. you comment upon the article.

“Men of Russia” by Mr. James E. Abbe, in which Mr. Abbe writes about the men that control Russia today. You complain because Mr. Abbe catalogs a number of the men as Jews when they should have been put undey some national classification. You say “while Austrian non-Jews are deseribed as Austrians Karl Radek, who is classed as a Jew.” I agree with you that this method of putting Jews in a national classification is wrong, yet I venture to say that the Jews themselves are in no small measure to blame for it.

The Zionistic movement with its nationalistic claims, the Jewish writers who speak of a Jewish nation, these are in no small measure responsible for the maintenance of this myth of Jewish nationality.

Another phase of the question is the racial egomania that afflicts a great deal of the Jewish press, who are fond of emphasizing Jews who come into the publc eye in one way or another, who go to ridiculous lengths in claiming as Jews all kinds and classes of people who happen to rise above mediocrity. If the Jews insist upon claiming credit for Jews, who achive fine things, they must take the burden of reproach for those Jews who misbehave.

I am as proud as may be the most ardent racial Jew of the success that some Jews have made in public and professional life, but it is a most serious mistake to be constantly calling attention to their Jewish affiliation or origin.

Very truly yours,

Edward N. Calisch. Richmond, Va.

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