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U.N. Helps JDC with Aid to Sarajevo

May 24, 1993
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

United Nations officials have said they will cooperate with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and fly at no cost a shipment of JDC medical supplies from Split, Croatia, to the Jewish community in besieged Sarajevo, inside Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The supplies will be flown by the local branch of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in the Adriatic city of Split, JDC officials in New York said.

The medications, stored by the JDC in Split, are part of a continuous supply being sent to Sarajevo and distributed to the entire population.

“We currently operate three pharmacies that serve more than 15,000 patients a month — Jews, Moslems, Christians — who have no other source of help,” said Ambassador Milton Wolf, JDC president.

“We also sent medicines to the Sarajevo Hospital, where the inventory is rapidly being depleted as a result of the renewed violence,” Wolf said.

Increased fighting recently between Croatian and largely Moslem forces in Bosnia has blocked the land routes to Sarajevo.

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