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Union Executive Board Votes Budget of $569,293

June 2, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

A budget of $569,293 was voted this week for the work of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations at a meeting of the Executive Board held at the Hotel Sinton here. This sum represents a reduction of approximately $75,000 over the original requests made, and represents an increase of a similar amount over the budget of the previous year.

Efforts are being made under the direction of David A. Brown, chairman of the Board of Finance, to secure sufficient funds for the organization to carry on its activities which include the maintenance of the Hebrew Union College, the Department of Synagogue and School Extension, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods and the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. Congregations affiliated with the Union are now engaged in an effort to obtain adequate income for the Union.

The budget as adopted, according to an announcement made by Ludwig Vogelstein, chairman of the Executive Board, allots $269,758 to the Hebrew Union College, $95,919 to the Department of Synagogue and School Extension, $16,513 to the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. The sum of $50,484 was given to the New York Committee for School Extension which maintains eight religious schools in New York City, with an enrollment of 1,500 children.


The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on Judge Irving H. Lehman of the Court of Appeals by Columbia University at the graduation exercises held yesterday.

Eleven Jewish students received honorary awards for scholastic merit in mathematics, history and law.

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