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Would Mean Britain’s “abdication,” Wedgwood Holds

April 8, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Partitioning of Palestine would mean abdication of Great Britain from its responsibilities in the Holy Land, Col. Josiah Wedgwood declared today in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The Laborite M.P., who has championed the Zionist cause in Commons, saw in suggestion that the Royal Commission might set up a separate Jewish canton or state from a portion of Palestine “another case of scuttling our responsibilities.”

“If a dominion is to be made from one part of Palestine, nothing should prevent the whole of Palestine from becoming a dominion,” he said. “Partition is abdication of responsibility to the Arab fellaheen (peasant), likewise to the Christian Arabs, the Jewish colonies and the business enterprises which will be left to the mercy of the Arab rulers.

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