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Wherever There is a Jewish Community There Will Be a Jewish Center, Declared at Community Center Con


“Wherever there is a Jewish community, there soon will be an adequate center to meet the peculiar American needs of the Jewish communities in this country,” declared Herman Passamaneck, retiring president of the National Association of Jewish Community Center Secretaries, at the last session of the convention of the association, held here yesterday.

The outstanding number of the conference program was a talk by Prof. Julius Drachsler, of the College of the City of New York, in the course of which he stressed the necessity for developing a more cooperate relationship between the professional workers and the constantly growing number of volunteers.

The work of the national conference, it was pointed out by Mr. Passamaneck, has been increasing with the remarkable growth of the Center movement. Cooperaing with the Jewish Welfare Board in its work, the conference has ministered to the needs of hundreds of communities throughtout the country. During the past year, four new buildings, representing an investment of more than $2,000,000 were completed. Seven new buildings are now in the course of constructing, involving an outlay of $2,500,000.

Charles Nemser, General Secretary of the Louisville Y.H.H.A, was elected President of the organization for the coming year Jack Nadel, Executive Director of the Manhattan Y.M.H.A. was elected First Vice President. Miss Emily Solis-Cohen, Second Vice President, and Tobias Roth of Rochester, Secretary-Treasurer.

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