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Digest of Public Opinion on Jewish Matters

September 2, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

[The purpose of the Digest is informative: Preference is given to papers not generally accessible to our readers. Quotation does not indicate approval.–Editor.]

That the Jewish Communists are seeking through the colonization of Jews to establish a Jewish “republic” in Russia, is the statement made in the “Freiheit,” Jewish Communist paper of New York. This statement is emphasized in the course of an article denying the recent assertion of A. Revutzky, in the “Jewish Morning Journal,” to the effect that the Jewish Communists have always regarded as “chauvinistic” the idea of a Jewish “republic,” such as Soviet president Kalenin declares is being planned for Siberia.

“Does not Mr. Revutzky know,” the “Freiheit” asks, “that in the ‘Emes’ (organ of the Jewish Communists in Russia) and in other Jewish papers in Soviet Russia, the fact is constantly emphasized that the Jewish colonization is being led in such a direction as to make possible the creation of a Jewish autonomy? Does he not know that in these Jewish Communist papers the close settlement of the Jews is welcomed? Does he not know that the ‘Yevsek’ (Jewish Communist) Tchemerinsky wrote a book on the subject? Has he not seen excerpts of this book in the ‘Emes,’ precisely the excerpts relating to the question of a Jewish autonomy? Then how can he deliberately state that the ‘Yevseks’ have been striving to scatter the Jewish colonists, to keep them far from each other, in order to take revenge on the Zionists?

“It is true the Communists objected to the ‘boom’ which the American press gave to the ‘Crimea Republic.’ This was a pure invention and it could only injure the cause. A couple of years ago it was a question regarding a very modest work, a question of settling several thousand families on the land in order to save them from ruin. But who does not know that from the very beginning it has been the desire of the Jewish Communists to settle the Jewish colonists as close to each other as possible so that they might be able to create their own cultural center–and this in fact is taking place now.

“As regards the question of Siberia,” the ‘Freiheit’ continues, “everyone knows that this is nothing new. It may be news for a correspondent of the ‘Herald-Tribune,’ but those who read the resolution of the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian Soviets of May 19, know that it was pointed out there that since Ukrainia has not sufficient land, an effort should be made simultaneously with the present colonization work to settle Jews in Siberia. And Revutzky knows that Siberia is one of the food providers of Russia, furnishing treasures of wheat, and that only children entertain the idea that white bears are strolling all over Siberia.”

The subject of Reuben Brainin’s cables from Russia has found an echo in the Jewish press in Poland. H. D. Nomberg, well-known Jewish writer, in an article appearing in “Der Moment,” Warsaw Yiddish daily, defending Mr. Brainin’s attitude of complete approval of the Jewish colonization plan in Russia, declares: “Reuben Brainin’s voice, the voice of an old Zionist, is an adequate reply to Mr. Lipsky and his followers. It can be said with certainty that Mr. Lipsky and his associates will soon be convinced that the whole Jewish public opinion is against them.”

Pointing out that “it is due to Mr. Lipsky that an open break has occurred between the Joint Distribution Committee and the American Zionists,” Mr. Nomberg concludes with the assertion: “Mr. Brainin’s words can be regarded as an expression of Jewish public opinion.”

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