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Hadassah Convention Presents Platform for Zionist Reform

July 2, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

–The platform adopted by the National Board of Hadassah, calling for the establishment of a commission form of government for the Zionist Organization of America, the election of a body of seven administrators, none of whom is to receive a salary from Zionist sources and the appointment by the Administrative Committee of an editorial board, also non-paid, to outline the principles and policies of all Zionist publications, that the Zionist Organization of America reaffirm the status of Zionist membership; that contribution to Zionist causes alone does not entitle contributors to membership in the Zionist Organization of America and that prospective members must adhere to the Basle program, will be advocated by a majority of the Hadassah delegates to the convention of the Zionist Organization of America.

The presentation of this platform at Friday’s session of the Hadassah convention, caused a lengthy discussion among the delegates. In speaking for it, Mrs. Anna Moskowitz Kross, member of the National Board of Hadassah, said that in drafting the platform, Hadassah had no intention of dictating to the Zionist Organization of America, but feels that changes must come about. The accusation against Hadassah that its point of view is Nordic is unjustified, she said.

Dr. Anna Mintz of Boston opposed the adoption of the platform, which was adopted by a majority vote with but sixty delegates dissenting.

It became apparent at the conclusion of the nominations, when the session was stopped because of the Sabbath, that Miss Henrietta Szold will be re-elected honorary president and Mrs. Nathan Straus, honorary vice-president, with Mrs. Irma Lindheim again named president. The following were nominated vice-presidents, Mrs. Zip F. Szold of New York, Miss Pearl Franklin of Chicago and Mrs. David de Sola Pool of New York. Mrs. Judith Epstein of New York was named for the position of secretary.

The nomination for re-election as treasurer of Hadassah of Mrs. Dorothy Lefkowitz of Stamford, Conn., who figured prominently in the inquiry by the judges committee, as the maker of the two thousand dollar note endorsed by Louis Lipsky, cited as evidence against the administration of the Zionist Organization of America, aroused some opposition among the delegates. At the close of the session it was declared that leaders of the Philadelphia chapter of Hadassah stated its chapter will consider other channels than Hadassah for their Zionist work if Mrs. Lefkowitz is re-elected.

A tumultuous period during the nominations occurred when Mrs. Archibald Silverman, who was nominated for the presidency from the floor by a minority group opposed to the Hadassah National Board policies and in sympathy with the present Z. O. A. administration, declined the nomination for this or any other office in Hadassah.

Miss Pearl Franklin submitted the report on finance, stating that a budget of $60,000 for administration use was outlined for 1928-9. It was resolved that a drive for $150,000 during the summer months, which Hadassah launched last year, will be repeated this year in order to meet the needs of the budget. Efforts will also be made to obtain United Palestine Appeal out-standing committments. The finance report was accepted.

Election of officers and an administrative board is to be continued at the Saturday evening and Sunday sessions.

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