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Sees Palestine Shaken to Its Foundations if Simpson Report Not Accepted by Jews and Arabs

Palestine will be shaken to its very foundation if the forthcoming report of Sir John Simpson fails to win acceptance by conciliation and mutual agreement of both Jews and Moslems, a special correspondent of the London Times, writing from Jerusalem concludes. This correspondent’s long article published under the subhead of “Waiting for the Land Report […]

October 1, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Palestine will be shaken to its very foundation if the forthcoming report of Sir John Simpson fails to win acceptance by conciliation and mutual agreement of both Jews and Moslems, a special correspondent of the London Times, writing from Jerusalem concludes. This correspondent’s long article published under the subhead of “Waiting for the Land Report Prepared by Simpson Which Will Be Published Shortly,” describes in a favorable light Zionist achievements and stresses the jealousy, envy and suspicion of the Moslems towards the Jewish success.

The correspondent says that “while waiting for the publication of the report, which will serve as the basis of land tenure and land distribution, peace is not likely to be disturbed, but should the decision of the Mandatory Power fail to win acceptance by conciliation and mutual agreement of both Jews and Moslems, Palestine will be shaken to its very foundations.”

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