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News Letters Relate Story of Jewish Life {span}abroa###{/span}

July 30, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A violent anti-Se-###tic campaign has again been start-### in Greece, surpassing all previous ###es in its virulence. At the recent ###lections M. Venizelos’ party was ###ctorious, and it has now turned ###gainst the Jews, blaming them for ### hostility of its opponents.

### “La Makedonia,” a Venizelist or-###an notorious for its unbridled anti###mitism, is leading the present ###mpaign. “You’re out for war, are ###u, Jews? You shall have it” is the ###le of its leading article. There be###g 60,000 Jews in Salonica, the pa###r declares that there are “60,00 ###nspirators in Salonica. The Jews ### Salonica are a dangerous and ###reacherous element. They have al#ays been working against Greek ###thority.”The paper goes on to speak of #the scandalous attitude adopted by ###ese ‘strangers’ towards every ###eek national effort. It has been ###ing on for 20 years. Never do ###e Jews fail to manifest their hos###ity to us. We have been too in###lgent towards them. We believed ###at at last they had assimilated our ###lture and come to love this country, where they live in peace, though ### the detriment of the Greek na###on. We were mistaken. The Jews ###emain the enemies of Greece.

“They have declared war on us, ### we shall accept their insolent de### We shall adopt the neces###e towards these accursed ###ws, these odious foreigners who ###w their breath in an atmosphere ###conspiracy and shame. We wash ###r hands of all responsibility. We ###all endeavor to bring their plots to ###ught. We have already beaten ###em once. This time we shall ex###rminate them completely.”

The article ends with the following words: “You want war against ###e Republican world, Jews? You ###all have it. But we give you, here ### now, the assurance that you will ### annihilated. We swear to ac###plish to the bitter end all that ###e say today. The country must be ###eed from foreigners, and above all ###om those that are not merely for###gners but shameless conspirators, ###ming assassin blows at our country ###d ourselves. No force in the ###rld can stay our avenging hand.”

This unscrupulous anti-Semitic #mpaign has already provoked ###eat indignation among moderate ###rcles throughout the country. The #vernor-General, speaking to repre###ntatives of the press, announced, ### We have decided to put an end to ###ese newspaper campaigns.” Repe###ions of the barbarous scenes of #ne 1931 are feared. The Commu###l Council of Salonica has convened ### urgent meeting, and both leading ###wish and non-Jewish personalities ###e joining forces to combat an agi###tion which, though entirely unjus###ed and conducted with the most ###scrupulous methods, is fraught ###th such dangerous consequences.

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