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Willkie Will Address New York Mass-demonstration Against Nazi Massacres of Jews

July 14, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Vice-President Henry A. Wallace, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and a number of other outstanding leaders of American public opinion have been invited to address the mass-demonstration against Hitler’s massacres of Jews called jointly by the American Jewish Congress, the B’nai B’rith and the Jewish Labor Committee for July 21, at Madison Square Garden, it was announced today by Dr. Stephen S. Wise in behalf of the American Jewish Congress.

Wendell L. Willkie will be one of the principal speakers at the demonstration, it was revealed. There will be a special memorial service for the martyred dead. The organizations sponsoring the Madison Square protest meeting include the American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs, the Synagogue Council of America, the Labor Zionist groups, the Mizrachi Organization of America and many other leading national Jewish organizations.


A call issued today by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, as president of the American Jewish Congress, reads: “Seven million Jews under Nazi yoke are victims of the most titanic tragedy in the history of mankind. One million Jews murdered in mass massacres! Two and one half million exposed to starvation, epidemic and degradation in ghettos! Economic annihilation, expulsion, bear daily tragic testimony to Nazi bestiality, These helpless victims both of war and Nazi oppression, cry out to the conscience of mankind.

“America, leader in the fight for human freedom, will make its answer to these millions of hostages on Tuesday evening, July 21, at Madison Square Garden. That evening, a mass-demonstration against Hitler’s atrocities will be held under the auspices of the American Jewish Congress, the B’nai B’rith and the Jewish Labor Committee. Its purposes are to condemn the mass-slaughter of Jews; and in view of the threat by the Nazis to exterminate the whole Jewish people, to invoke adequate action, (a) to defend the threatened Jewish community of Europe and (b) to secure for the self-defense of the Jewish community in Palestine now endangered by the common enemy.”


A petition to President Roosevelt asking him to issue a declaration in the name of the United Nations, warning the German people of retribution unless the massacre of the civilian Jewish population is stopped by the German authorities, was launched today by representatives of labor and employers in many trades in New York.

The campaign for signatures in New York is a part of a national campaign to collect millions of similar petitions throughout the United States. The campaign was launched by the Jewish Labor Committee.

The Synagogue Council of America, representing 1,300 rabbis throughout the country, has sent out to rabbis and congregations factual material on the recent Nazi mass-slaughter of Jews in Europe. The Council has proclaimed July 23, the day of Tisha B’ab, as a day of grief and mourning for the victims of the Nazis in the Jewish communities of occupied Europe.

The American Federation for Polish Jews issued an appeal to all the rabbis in the United States calling upon them to designate July 18 as a day for protests in their synagogues and temples against the Nazi atrocities perpetrated against the Jews in Poland.

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