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Asked to Allow Canadians to E in International Palestine Force if Formed

January 15, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Canadian Government was asked last night to ##it Canadian volunteers to serve in any international police force recruited for ##ice in Palestine, in a resolution adopted at the closing session of the annual ?ention of the Zionist Organization of America.

Other resolutions demanded that Britain cease supplying arms to the Arab ##tes which have openly admitted their intention of obstructing implementation of U.N. partition decision, asked the Palestine Government to recognize the Haganah the legal Jewish defense force and condemned the activities of extremist groups.

Dr. Israel Goldstein, addressing a closing luncheon, called on Canadian ##eral Zionists to contribute $100,000 to the general Zionist fund-raising campaign. for Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv and Abraham Hartzfeld, stadruth leader, stressed need for raising more money to purchase land.

Samuel J. Zacks, of Toronto, was re-elected president of the ZOO and Michael ###ber, of Montreal, vice-president. Hyman Grover, of Montreal, was named treasurer.

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