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Jewish National Fund Issues Manifesto to Jews of World; Ases for Continued Aid

A manifeste to the Jews of the world to continue their aid to the Jewish National Fund was issued here today in connection with the celebration of the J.N.F. jubiles, which is being observed throughout the country. “We remember in veneration and respect the men who a half-century ago had the wisdom and foresight to […]

December 29, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A manifeste to the Jews of the world to continue their aid to the Jewish National Fund was issued here today in connection with the celebration of the J.N.F. jubiles, which is being observed throughout the country.

“We remember in veneration and respect the men who a half-century ago had the wisdom and foresight to give form to this ideal,” the manifesto says. “We remember those who, in the years that followed, developed the Jewish National Fund into a strong instrument of Zionism. In its ceaseless, mundane day-to-day work, the Fund brought, step by step, the ancient soil again into Jewish hands and thus, to new life. On J.N.F. land, a generation grew up that would not abandon their estate, when the great test came, and with it the freedom of Israel.

“Today we recall the anxieties of the past and the struggle which lies behind us; we are grateful for what has been achieved and proud of those who achieved it–yet only the work which lies ahead will complete our historic mission. There is no task more noble than to free the earth from the deadly grip of neglect, to transform the curse of the waste into the blessing of plenty. The Jewish National Fund in its second fifty years’ span will be the redeeming hand to win back the soil for the tillers. The Jewish people the world over will share in this undertaking, for the Fund is, and remains, their instrument.”

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