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Jarring May Resume Peace Mission if Big Four Can Arrive at ‘interim’ Agreement

May 22, 1970
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

As the Big Four deputies continued to meet today in an effort to finish their report on the progress of the Big Four talks by the next Four Power parley Tuesday, speculation mounted here that this report, if approved by the Big Four, might be a sufficient basis for recalling Ambassador Gunnar V. Jarring to his Middle East peace mission. Diplomatic sources said here today that Dr. Jarring might resume his mission even if an “interim” agreement can be reached on the progress of the talks. The basis for this feeling, sources said, lies in the fact that British Ambassador Lord Caradon favors a continuation of the talks despite the reported “intransigence” and spirit of “non-cooperation” shown in the past few weeks by the Soviet Ambassador. The Four Powers, sources observed, are currently confronted with the question of whether to continue talks on the basis of what they have agreed upon so far or wait for wider areas of agreement. “Lord Caradon is for the first even if it has to be of an interim character,” sources said. “This may be enough to recall Dr. Jarring for his mission, but of course, it is up to him to judge if the report warrants it.”

Sources said Lord Caradon’s position on continued talks, one of the more hopeful signs that might encourage Dr. Jarring to return to his mission, was contained in his speech to the Security Council on Tuesday during the debate on Israel’s incursion into Lebanon. He said then, “We should keep uppermost in our minds the aim of reaching agreement. We should not impede or frustrate the discussions going forward in the Four. We should seek to facilitate and accelerate those discussions.” Continuing, Lord Caradon declared: “We should encourage the Four to proceed with all speed, with a greater sense of conciliation and urgency, to report as soon as possible on their deliberations to the Secretary General (U Thant). Then we can hope that Ambassador Jarring will soon renew his consultations with both sides. Only by that means can the hope of a peaceful settlement be kept alive.” Lord Caradon also noted, during his Security Council speech, that progress may not be easy, “but I have always advocated that agreement should be relentlessly pursued.”

When Dr. Jarring left New York in March, a UN spokesman said he would return to his UN headquarters “within a few weeks, or sooner, if developments warrant It.” During his return here, Dr. Jarring consulted with representatives of the Four Powers, Arab states and Israel. Informed sources said at that time that be had exhausted all possibilities and explored every possible avenue without receiving any encouragement that a renewal of his efforts to bring Arabs and Israelis together for negotiations would have any chance of success. Now. in view of a possible “interim” agreement among the Big Four, diplomatic sources feel developments warrant his return to UN headquarters where some guidelines for his peace; mission will be available.

Diplomatic sources also said today that the Big Four deputies, who also met Monday, and who may be meeting again between now and next Tuesday, worked amicably despite the acrimony expressed by their ambassadors during the Security Council debate. They emphasized, however, that the amicability referred to “tone” rather than to “substance.” According to diplomatic sources, Britain. In worked behind the scenes during the Security Council’s meetings to soften the resolution Syria sought to introduce which would have included sanctions against Israel. The final resolution to condemn Israel, was seen by diplomats as a relatively mild reprimand. It nevertheless satisfied both the Arab states and the Soviet Union – which voted for it – although the United States abstained from voting and Israel, which has no vote on the Security Council, termed it one-sided and Syrian inspired. The result of Britain’s effort to tone down the final resolution, thereby making it acceptable to more Council members, tended to make the Four Powers more amenable to further talks, sources said.

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