The ADL: Anti-Semites pouncing on Madoff scandal

In his column this week, New Jersey Jewish News editor Andrew Silow Carroll tells readers that "any moment now I expect the Anti-Defamation League announcement about yet another surge of anti-Jewish rhetoric on the Web," and cites other organizations as well in pooh-poohing that approach: Which isn’t to say we have nothing to fear but fear itself, […]


In his column this week, New Jersey Jewish News editor Andrew Silow Carroll tells readers that "any moment now I expect the Anti-Defamation League announcement about yet another surge of anti-Jewish rhetoric on the Web," and cites other organizations as well in pooh-poohing that approach:

Which isn’t to say we have nothing to fear but fear itself, but it does suggest that we’ll waste a lot of communal energy if we spend much time worrying what they think. … Rather than arming for a war against the hate groups, Jewish organizations should be devising ways to learn the lessons of the Madoff disaster, and share those lessons with their colleagues at Jewish institutions large and small.

Well, the ADL may agree that some tough questions need to be asked of Jewish organizations, but it has no intention of ignoring any perceived spike in anti-Semitism. The organization has posted a memo to its Web site titled "Antisemitism and the Madoff Scandal."

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