Kassams strike South, Katyushas target North


JERUSALEM (JTA) — Two Kassam rockets from Gaza struck Israel’s South less than a day after a Katyusha attack on the North injured at least three people.

On Saturday morning, a Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon struck near a western Galilee home, injuring three residents of the home and sending two others into shock. Israel responded by firing artillery rounds from the area of the rocket launch in southern Lebanon. The terrorist organization Hezbollah denied involvement in the attack.

Last month, three Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon struck Nahariya, including one that ell through the roof of a retirement home, injuring two. One week later, three other Katyushas were fired into Israel from Lebanon.

On Saturday night, a rocket fired from Gaza landed near Ashkelon and on Sunday morning, a Kassam landed in an open area in Israel’s South. No injuries or damage were reported in either attack.

Ten mortar shells were also fired at Israel from Gaza on Friday.

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