Jewish Exponent to print gay marriage announcements


Philadelphia’s Jewish newspaper, the Exponent, has announced it will print same-sex marriage announcements:

As we approach this most welcoming of holidays, the board of directors of the Jewish Publishing Group, which oversees the Jewish Exponent, has voted unanimously to include notices of gay and lesbian unions in the publication’s life-cycles section.

Contrary to some public misconceptions, the Exponent has, for many years now, published birth and adoption notices for the children of gay couples. It also notes partners of the deceased in obituaries…

As Bennett L. Aaron, chairman of the Jewish Publishing Group board, has said: The newspaper’s new policy reflects the "evolutionary process" of both the Exponent and society as a whole with regard to these issues.

Indeed, the shift in policy on gay unions and marriages illustrates the changing thinking of not just a publication, but the Jewish community as a whole.

Read full story here.

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